This article analyses one of the main concepts that define our contemporary age: post-truth. In the time of information technology, digitization, and Big Data, objective knowledge seems to recede in front of the proliferation of discourses that deny and distort reality. Fake news and climate denial constitute paradigmatic examples that go beyond the truth and traditional standards of objectivity. However, is it really an era in which falsehood, pure appearance, and emotionality prevail, or is it the time for the emergence of a new mode of veridiction that establishes the digital becoming? Based on the theoretical approaches of Foucault and Latour, we will argue that contemporary digitization should not be apprehended as a machine that generates post-truth but instead as a mode of existence that brings into play a regime of veridiction in which discontinuity, acceleration, and asignification prevail and arise.
post-truth, modes of existence, digitization, acceleration
Maureira, M., & González, D. (2024). The digital mode of existence: a new regime of truth?. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (81). Retrieved from