The study of the material practices of a society requires considering the types of epistemological framing in which they are developed and their effects on them. The modes of categorizing and distinctions, and the modes of organizing and clustering are part of the framing of the practices that this text addresses. It conceptually explores the modes of organizing sets based on the aggregative distinction between the singular and the plural, and the modes of organization focused on the compositional effect of the difference between molecule and mass. The conceptual exercise proposes that both modes of organization be used together, enabling the description of aggregation and composition phenomena integrated synchronically and diachronically in the material organization of the social.
aggregation, composition, distinction, organization, material practices
Vergara-Vidal, J. E. (2023). Aggregation and composition as modes of organizing distinctions and clusters. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (76), pp. 64–78. Retrieved from