In this work, an epistemological approach to social meanings is developed, understood as a central entity that weaves the symbolic composition of reality. To do this, a theoretical and reflective work is deployed with the aim of clarifying the three social meanings established here: social imaginaries, social representations, and discursive re-presentations. At the same time, it seeks to present a taxonomy in planes of meaning, corresponding to the particularities and fields of action of social imaginaries (deep plane), social representations (middle plane of transition) and discursive representations (superficial plane). This epistemic work, which contributes to the conceptual clarification of the three notions discussed, offers theoretical support for future research and a new way of approaching social meanings.
imaginary, representations, discursive re-presentations, social significance, society
Riffo-Pavón , I. (2022). Social imaginaries, social representations, and discursive re-presentations . Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (74), pp. 78–94. Retrieved from