The article is inserted in a discussion about the way in which sociology problematizes culture, specifically, the paper analyses the modus operandi for a critical approach to the culture. For this, it focuses on the Luc Boltanski’s proposal, because he makes the discussion on the “critical sociology” a central instance of his cultural study without abandoning the critical claim. With the goal of analysing these questions, the first section is dedicated to characterizing Boltanski's pragmatic sociology of critique. The second section argues that he proposes a powerful modus operandi for the sociological description of the actors’ normativity, but that it does not solve the problems that would allow the critical research of that normativity. Topic that is developed through the discussion of his research on the “spirit of capitalism”. Finally, the conclusions propose a path through which to advance towards this critical sociology, centred on the notions of ideology and utopia.
normativity, pluralism, neoliberalism, modus operandi, utopia
Gambarotta, E. (2020). Critique of the critique to critical sociology from Luc Boltanski. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (69), pp. 285–298. Retrieved from