In the formula Field + [Capital + Habitus] = Social practices, the contributions of an author such as Pierre Bourdieu are condensed on a theoretical level, and from there it is possible to detach the approached method for social research by recovering the objective and subjective aspects of social practices based on the concepts thus formulated, two lessons are proposed that are derived from the intellectual work of the béarnese sociologist: theoretical lessons and some methodological lessons derived from the former, in order to contribute to an explicit systematization of their modus operandi for social research, since the author never did it to avoid that his contributions were trapped with the rigidity of the scholastic schemes. In this sense, the author is both an object and an instrument of the proposed reflection that looks at the notion of capital as the most important methodologically for the practice of social research.
Cerón-Martínez, A. U. (2020). Habitus, field and capital. Theoretical and methodological lessons of a Bearnese sociologist. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (66), 310–320. Retrieved from