Methodological foundations of discursive territories
Sandra Villanueva-Gallardo
Universidad de Los Lagos, Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo Regional y Políticas Públicas
Discursive territories are created through the conformation of two dimensions, one that attends to its discursive components and the other that responds to the territorial characteristics where everything unveiled through discourse is constituted in a territorial-identity hologram. This means that we are facing a type of territory traditionally rendered invisible, in large part, by the subalternization of discourses and the recusal of territories. Therefore, this research aims to account for the components that make discursive territories a territorial reality with recognizable meanings, both in its symbolic and material aspects, from an epistemological origin that attends to the nature of the phenomenon.
hologram, affectivity, territoriality, imaginary, coloniality, power
Villanueva-Gallardo, S. (2019). Methodological foundations of discursive territories. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (63), 357–364. Retrieved from