Theoretical epistemological foundations of discursive territories



This work focusses on giving an account of the existence of a territory other, made invisible by the logocentrism and the traditional historiography of the modern west. This territory other that we call discursive territories is a reality that we situate in territorial discourses and that, given its discursive dimension, can be revealed through hermeneutical analysis. One of the assumptions on which this research is based, is that the discursive territories act as the place from which the territorial discourse becomes what it is, to indicate a direction and to specify a specific meaning, in any of the forms institutionalized by a collectivity (poetry, religion, politics, economy, culture, etc.) but without full awareness or evidence of it. Therefore, we propose that the discursive territories are linked to the hologram image, a condition that we suggest is revealed from a sociocultural background and through the hermeneutic interpretation of territorial discourses.


territori, territory, hologram, hermeneutrics, recurson, meaning, discourse