This article intends to interpret the thoughts of Karl Jaspers and Martin Heidegger with the parameters amalgam and synergy of Cristóbal Holzapfel in order to propose an ontoepistemology of the social and human sciences. For this objective, a comparative analysis is carried out between the main existential structures of the existential enlightenment present in "Philosophy II" of Jaspers and the existential analytic present in "Being and time" of Heidegger. From the amalgams evidenced between the two analytics, certain existential are deduced that are analyzed in their epistemic synergy and projected towards the outline of a possible ontoepistemology based on the structures: concept of human being, subject-object relationship (conscience) and researcher-researched relationship (research ethics). It was obtained a situated and projective conception of the human being, a subject-object relationship as a complex cleavage and a researcher-researched relationship founded on an existential communication framed in the discursive tradition of their respective semiotic community.
Jaspers, Heidegger, human being, subject-object, researcher-researched
Campos-Winter, H. (2017). Ontoepistemological interpretation of Jaspers and Heidegger from Holzapfel. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (58). Retrieved from