Psychopathy: A review about its definition and conceptual evolution in the history of psychiatry


  • Matías Koch M. Residente de Psiquiatría Adultos. Facultad de Medicina, Campus Norte. Clínica Psiquiátrica Universitaria, Universidad de Chile
  • Cristián Montes A. Psicólogo clínico. Profesor Asistente. Facultad de Medicina, Campus Norte. Clínica Psiquiátrica Universitaria, Universidad de Chile


In this paper, the evolution of the term psychopathy and its different conceptualizations throughout different stages in the history of contemporary psychiatry is reviewed. It begins with the first clinical descriptions made by the alienists, to continue with the contributions of classical psychiatry of the early nineteenth century. The contributions made by the psychoanalytic tradition and its attempts to deepen the deeper understanding of the intrapsychic functioning of the disorder are also reviewed. In contrast, we also reviewed the most current descriptions contained in the DSM and ICD manuals, which in an attempt to define more objective diagnostic criteria appear to have fallen into a kind of criminalization of the disorder.


psichopathy, history of psychiatry, psychoanalytic, intrapsychic functioning, DSM criteria


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