How come there is sch olastic failure if we have the inborn capacity to learn?


  • Carlos Calvo Muñoz Especialista en Antropología Educacional Universidad de La Serena


Students’ failure is due to school-drilling not to education. The reforms intended insist on carrying on what has peviously not functioned. Though the causes are divers, the main one is the dominant paradigm which lays stress upon order and rational explanation. The fact that educational processes are chaotic, emergent and self-organized is ignored and rejected. Though there are deep differences, on their basis they are minimal, as both processes are possible due to the human being’s propensity to learn. In order to overcome the epistemological limitation, the education process goes from the possible to the probable and from this to the realizable. School- drilling, instead, reduces itself to the repetition of pre-estabished relations.


Education, school-drilling, learning, mediation, chaos