Ortodoxias, disidencias y nuevas identidades en el Judaísmo Argentino y Chileno


  • Isaac Caro Universidad Alberto Hurtado I Depto. de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales Universidad Arturo Prat I Instituto de Estudios Internacionales


In this paper, we consider different perspectives on Chilean and Argentinean Judaísm, related to four main traíts: a) the organization of Jewish and secular identities, with progressi ve and liberal components, although religion is not the central identíty element; b) the consolidation of a religious orthodox space; c) the formation of new Jewish identities, that are not íntegrated into the structures of instítutional Jewísh communities; e) the emergence of sorne dissidence in Chilean and Argentínean Judaísm, as part and parcel of a reaction to the official discourse about the Arab-Israeli Conflict.


Judaism, Identities, Argentina, Chile.