¿Judeofobia de baja intensidad?: Jorge González Von Mareés y el Nacismo frente al Nazismo ( 1932-1939)


  • Isabel Jara Hinojosa Universidad de Chile


This paper analyzes the ideology of the National Socialist Movement (MNS) and its leader, referring to Nazism, with regard to anti-Judaism. Compared to the decisive and explicit Nazi judeophobia, the Chilean Movement, although inspired by the first, developed a less intense, volatile and poorly mobilizing anti-Jewish public discourse. The paper is organized in two parts: the first review the extreme and mobilizing nature of Nazi anti-Semitism, from their accommodations and fluctuations; the second and more extensive, outlines the Chilean case, considering the Chilean nationalist tradition, the family and ideological background of the “Leader”, the characteristics of MNS and its relations with Nazism.


judeophobia, National Socialist Movement, Jorge González, chilean nationalism