La instauración de una escuela co-educativa ¿contribuye a una escuela menos Discriminatoria?, reflexiones sobre el caso chileno


  • Paloma Abett de la Torre Díaz Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Condell 343-Providencia-Santiago


Since the 90 ' Chile has lived an important process of educational reform that has affected the whole educational system. Efforts have been made to incorporate the perspective of gender. Nevertheless, there is consensus about the fact that schools do not generate the roles and stereotypes of gender, but the place where they are promoted. If we face the premise that schools are spaces where they are discrimination occurs, few would dare to deny it. Incorporating in this analysis the variable of gender produces controversies. Is school a place that discriminates against girls and women? On this complex social scene we propose to discuss on the role we teachers must have in the restoration of a coeducational school.


educational reforms, education, gender, coeducational school